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Teacher and Instructor Training

BluePoint Scholastic teacher

Education is for Everyone. Learning is for Life.

Our teacher and instructor training is specifically aimed at teaching at a maritime education institution. 


We have an intensive teacher training program, that is directed at teachers and instructors teaching in the maritime industry. These teachers and instructors work at colleges, training units, and in-house training facilities. We can design a teacher training program to your needs, including all the elements that IMO and STCW demand of teachers and instructors. We can run the IMO Training Course for Instructors, often referred to as the 6.09.


Our teacher training can consist of how to do lesson plans, the newest didactic and pedagogical theories within adult and young adult education, how to create exams that mirror the lessons, or maybe you need some advice on setting up an online teaching environment.​


We can also support your trainers and teachers in supporting your students. The connection between educators and students will support the students to perform better, and in the end, increase their learning outcomes. 


We run online seminars as well. We have recently launched our coaching and mentoring program for teachers. You can take a look at it here

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